
From the over 700 installations of Kickuth Engineered Wetlands, the following is a sample of projects with over 10 years of operation have been installed throughout the world by Kickuth Licensees.

Location Country Year Constructed Size Type of Wastewater
Andara Namibia 1989 500 P.E. Hospital
Auteuil France 1995 120 P.E. Domestic
Baumgartsbrunn Namibia 1989 900 P.E. Domestic + Hospital
Berlin Museum Island Germany 1991 800 m2 Surface Runoff
Berlin Airport Germany 1995 26,000 m2 De-icing Agents - Schonefeld Airport
Berlin Daimler-Benz Germany 1997   Surface Runoff
Bolimow I Poland 1995 800 P.E. Domestic
Bolimow II Poland 1995 600 m2 Vegetable Canning
Buchenauer Hof Germany 1988 450 m2 Winery + Domestic
Ebeltoft Denmark 1988 350 P.E. Domestic
Escheberg Castle Germany 1997 700 m2 Golf Course + Domestic Polishing
Gateshead England 1996 17,000 m2 Contaminated area
Grunstadt Germany 1996 600 P.E. Domestic
Hamburg Germany 1984 2,500 m2 Landfill Leachates + Toxic Organics
Hannover Zoo Germany 1997 400 m2 Wild Animal Effluent
Hannover Music Park Germany 1996 450 m2 Restaurant + Recreation Area
Holtby England 1987 300 P.E. Domestic
Hopfen Germany 1988 150 P.E. Dairy
Imatralla Finland 1989 150 P.E. Domestic
Ittlingen Germany 1986 100 P.E. Youth Hostel + Domestic
ICI Billingham England 1989 70,000 m2 Chemical Industry, Phenols, Amines Solvents
Kacorlac Hungary 1996 700 P.E. Domestic + Septic Tanks
Kalundborg Denmark 1988 250 m2 Oil Industry
Llanwern Wales 1987 190,000 m2 British Steel - Coke Oven Effluent
Manchester England 1995 300 m2 Sugar and Derivatives - CERESTAR
Marutendorf Germany 1991 350 P.E. Domestic + Farm Waste
Moriken Switzerland 1995 2,200 m2 Bio-composting Effluent
Niedenstein Germany 1994 150 P.E. Recreation Area + Domestic
Nordhausen Germany 1993 2,250 m2 Bio-methanization Pig Slurry Effluents
Onandjokwe Namibia 1988 2,000 P.E. Domestic + Hospital
Othfresen Germany 1974 5,100 P.E. Domestic
Pforzheim Germany 1997 250 m2 Domestic Animal Wastes
Pumpherston Scotland 1996 16,000 m2 Contaminated Area, detergents
Putignano Italy 1988 2,000 P.E. Domestic + some industry
Putzlingen Germany 1993 300 P.E. Domestic
Reckholdern Switzerland 1981 110 P.E. Domestic + Recreation
Ribe Commune Denmark 1988 1,500 P.E. Domestic
Romilly France 1989 250 m2 SNCF Wagon Washings
Rudbol Denmark 1986 900 P.E. Domestic
Sachsenberg Germany 1987 450 m2 Heavy load agricultural effluents + silage
Staveley England 1990 300 m2 Rhone-Poulenc, aromatics, nitro compounds
Szklarka Poland 1995 110 P.E. Domestic
Tanfield Lea England 1995 750 m2 Industrial - heavy metals
Uggerhalne Denmark 1985 1,500 P.E. Domestic
Wetze Exp. Station Germany 1993 100 P.E. Domestic + Experimental Lab
Weinitzen Austria 1983 300 P.E. Domestic
Whyalla Australia 1995 15,000 m2 Steel Mill + Coke Ovens
Wien - Lainz Austria 1984 500 m2 Zoological Garden + Restaurant + Domestic
Windelsbleiche Germany 1977 200,000 m2 Textile Finishing + Industrial Effluent
Wolfsburg - Almke Germany 1990 12,000 m2 Domestic + Surface Runoff Polishing
Wuppertal BAB Germany 1994 1,200 m2 Highway Runoff
Zurich - Kloten Switzerland 1994 5,000 m2 Airport runoff + De-icing Agents
Note: Size is given in Meters squared (m2) or Population Equivalent (PE)

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