Abydoz Environmental Inc., Treating Wastewater Naturally

Company Information

Abydoz Environmental Inc. was created to market, promote and sell the Kickuth Engineered Wetland Technology in Canada and North America. Kickuth technology has been used around the world since 1974. To date there are over 700 systems operating worldwide.

Abydoz began in 2000 where the first 4 years of operation were spent in research and development, tailoring the system to Canadian conditions. Several pilot projects were installed to test the capabilities of the system for sewage treatment under Eastern Canada's climate and soil conditions. Through these pilot projects and independent testing by SNC Lavalin, Abydoz gained approval to install full-scale sewage treatment systems in Newfoundland in 2004. The next year Abydoz installed the first full-scale sewage treatment system in Staphylinid for a population equivalent (P.E.) of 7,800. Following that, the second full-scale installation was completed for the combined towns of Appleton and Glenwood, for a P.E. of 1,800. Since then Abydoz has installed various smaller projects throughout the island, including a LEED certified project for the Long Term Care Facility in Corner Brook, Newfoundland (2009). Currently, Abydoz is installing the first engineered wetland for landfill leachate treatment system in Newfoundland at the Central Landfill location in Norris Arm for the Central Regional Service Board. Studies are also being completed for other treatment systems across Canada.

Abydoz is currently working on feasibility studies for various municipalities in Western Canada and is looking at expanding its construction services into this region.

Abydoz services concentrate on the engineering and construction of Kickuth Engineered Wetland Systems, directly for clients or through consulting engineering firms. Our services include:

  • Feasibility studies
  • Concept, preliminary, and detailed engineering designs
  • Design, build, and operate systems
  • Stand-alone construction services
  • Full turnkey installation
  • Financing and partnerships in PPP services

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