Corner Brook Long Term Care Facility Sewage Treatment

The long term care facility was constructed in 2009 in Corner Brook, on the west coast of Newfoundland. It is a Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design(LEED) Certified project. The Abydoz Engineered Wetland treatment system is used to treat all the sewage generated at the facility and was instrumental in acquiring LEED points for the overall project


  • Population of Facility: Approx. 400 staff and patients + 50 – 90 students and visitors per day
  • Average Flow: 78 m3/day
  • Wetland Treatment Area: 2,740 m2

Inlet Concentration:

  • 150-200 mg/L BOD
  • 200 mg/L TSS

Outlet Concentration: (Tertiary Treatment Standards)

  • 10 mg/L BOD
  • 10 mg/L TSS

Process Description

The wetland system is comprised of two horizontal flow wetland beds designed to provide treatment in parallel or in series. The first bed is a bilateral horizontal bed, such that its inlet is in the center of the bed and flow moves outward to both sides, bilaterally.

In regular operations both beds will operate in parallel mode. The system can also operate in series-mode to increase levels of treatment.

Actual Treatment Results: (not yet fully established)

  • BOD: 500-600 mg/L reduced to 30-50 mg/L
  • TSS: 350-400 mg/L reduced to 4 mg/L

Total Project Cost:

  • $700,000

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