Kickuth Engineered Wetland systems have been installed to treat many different types of municipal and industrial wastewaters.

Proven Applications

Kickuth Engineered Wetland systems have been installed to treat many different types of municipal and industrial wastewaters with proven applications in the following areas.

Municipal and Residential Wastewater

Abydoz Engineered Wetlands are a natural solution for treating municipal wastewater providing much higher treatment levels than lagoons with much lower operational requirements and lower operational costs than mechanical systems.

Peak Flows and Storm water Treatment

Storm water and peak flows in the wastewater collection can also be handled by unique additional storm water wetland beds. These specially designed wetland beds treat the additional overflow that would otherwise bypass a system and be conventional treatment system to eliminate any untreated or bypassed discharge.

Hydrocarbon Treatment

Abydoz Engineered Wetlands break down hydrocarbon contaminants through bacteria which feed off the compounds, converting them into less harmful constituents. Full oil field waste water treatment systems are operating in Oman and the Sudan.

Glycol Treatment

Glycol is used by many industries throughout the world for de-icing and antifreeze. levels of glycols requiring treatment before discharge to the environment. The levels of glycols requiring treatment before discharge to the environment. The worlds first glycol wetland treatment system was installed by the Kickuth Organization in Zurich.

Landfill Leachate

Landfill operators and owners around the world are concerned and have started to address the problem of serious groundwater contamination that results from water running off disposal sites and leachate. Kickuth wetlands are used to treat this landfill leachate.

Storm water Runoff

A growing area of concern is the runoff from streets, highways and parking lots. This runoff is frequently contaminated with fuel, oil, rubber, various suspended solids and chemicals. Kickuth systems are located on the Autobahn to contain and treat this type of effluent.

Agricultural Runoff

Designed to treat both the liquid and solids and can turn the solids into a reusable. As the agri-business becomes larger and more mechanized, the ability of the land to handle the huge quantities of waste generated by large animal operations is rapidly disappearing. The Abydoz Engineered Wetland offers a solution for retrofitting and augmenting current lagoon treatment systems. Systems are compost material.

Industrial Wastewater

Abydoz Engineered Wetland systems have been used to treat a wide range of industrial wastewater. Systems are currently being used to treat such diverse streams as steel mill effluent, chemical laden effluents, mine wastewater, textile plant effluents, and petroleum products.

Sludge Treatment

This technology is also able to treat municipal solids by applying it to a sludge treatment cell where microbes treat the waste, mineralizing it into biosolids that can be used as a compost fertilizer.

The volume of waste is decreased through evaporation and evapotranspiration (up to 1800 mm per year in temperate climates). Over 2 m of applied sludge can be reduced to as little as 20 cm of dry organic material annually.

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