Stephenville Wastewater Treatment Facility

Stephenville Wastewater Treatment Facility

The largest subsurface engineered wetland system providing secondary treatment in Canada.

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Appleton-Glenwood Wastewater Treatment Facility

Appleton-Glenwood Wastewater Treatment Facility

2010 Federation of Canadian Municipalities Watershed Award for Leadership in Wastewater and Storm Water Management for Atlantic Canada.

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Corner Brook Long Term Care Facility Sewage Treatment

Corner Brook Long Term Care Facility Sewage Treatment

The Corner Brook Long Term Care Facility Sewage Treatment is a Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design(LEED) Certified project.

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A Canadian Based Wastewater
Treatment Firm

Abydoz services concentrate on the engineering and construction of Kickuth Engineered Wetland Systems, directly for clients or through consulting engineering firms. Abydoz projects have won numerous awards based on the high performance results of the engineered wetland technology.

Learn more about Abydoz Engineered Wetlands: